Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Adelanto News

Adelanto is a small high desert town in California that could well serve as a text book example of small town dysfunction. While not a communty of end-of-the-roaders, Adelanto would be the next neighborhood over. For years groups of local developers and politicians made alliances and carried out complicated feuds in a backdrop of cheerful nickel and dime corruption. A long tradition continues: Mayor of Adelanto arrested in theft of Little League funds: "'He's very principled and very ethical,'"


Anonymous said...

awesome description of this crappy little city that i love. if only victorville would annex....

Steve said...

It's a crime so petty I'm speechless. Could you get any lower than stealing from kids for their baseball games.

Diligent Blogger said...

How about stealing from sick and disabled children? The NY Times had an article a couple weeks back about how some Shriner lodges were skimming their bingo game proceeds that were intended for the Shriner hospital for children. Anf what wasn't being stolen was being applied, in violation of Shriner bylaws, to cover travel expenses to their conventions.

Steve said...

I guess those go carts and clown outfits get to be expensive over time.