Saturday, April 08, 2006

Passive Agressive Seattle Landlord

Wallingford Center has been languishing the last two years, with merchants driven out by higher rents and ongoing and never ending renovation. The property owner won't come out and say what he is up to, but prefers to be coy. Merchants instead of calling their landlord a jackass speak, instead speak vaguely of decreasing foot traffic. Another marvelous example of Seattle's culture of passive aggression: Retail Notebook: Renovation tests patience of merchants, shoppers


Steve said...

Do you think that the landlord is trying to squeeze out his smaller independent renters so as to bring in larger national retialers? The mention of a 'big' name coming seems to indicate a change in the look and feel of the center.

Diligent Blogger said...

I think you're right: landlord is definitely changing the nature of the place. Great locations with easy and free parking are getting rare in Seattle.