Saturday, February 02, 2008

Gus Arriola Passes Away

Not well known or appreciated today, Gus Arriola's strip "Gordo," always promised eye catching Mexican themed colors and designs. When I was a child, every Sunday I would grab the comics and be fascinated by how Gordo could talk with his animals (a dog, cat, pig, chicken, and owl); I was very amused by how Gordo's animal friends insisted on taking their siesta on top of him. There were was an insufferably cute kitten named Bete Noire, an eternally shedding cat named Poosy Gato, and even a poetry spouting beatnik spider named Bug Rogers who also used spider webs as his art medium. The strips were not all aimed at children, and at the time, I didn't understood the interplay between Gordo and the attractive female tourists riding in his taxi, Halley's Comet, an antique, tequila fueled bus. Still, "Gordo" was considered acceptable reading material even by the nuns in the predominantly Hispanic school I attended in a Texas border town.

A review of Richard Harvey's work "Accidental Ambassador Gordo: The Comic Strip Art of Gus Arriola" provides a samples of his work:

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